A new look and feel for this blog…
If you’re new to this blog…welcome, likely the only thing new you see is this post. If you’ve been with me for awhile, welcome to the “new look” Community Group Therapy. If you blog, you may be like me and just get visually tired of the same look and feel after awhile. Not to mention that I frankly didn’t give it a lot of thought the first time around. I still have a fair amount of work to clean up some of my older content and get things appropriately categorized.
For those interested, I thought it might be worth explaining a little of what changed. Here goes:
- New header image: Hopefully it captures the spirit of conversation. If you’re looking for images, I purchased the rights to this one on istockphoto.
- Navigation bar: Added Upcoming Events. While most of my event activity I now track in Facebook, I wanted a place to start to capture where I’ve been and where I’m going. There’s nothing better than meeting people at events that I follow or who have followed me. I had more than one occasion at WOMMA this week where I “met” people and I literally could not remember if I knew them (had met them face to face before) or if I just know them “digitally.” It was both awkward and great to see this blurring.
- Find me at: I was looking for a way to bring together the disparate places I “live.” Wink seemed a good choice and I like the public profile I can manage at Wink. The widget seemed pretty flexible - check it out and tell me what you think.
- Recent posts: Just for navigation alternatives - it’s particularly useful for me when I write as I can quickly find things I’ve been referencing lately.
- Subscribe: I added A LOT of options
- Categories: I’ve done a poor job in my history of writing here of consistently using categories, but I like this view on other blogs I read so I’ve committed myself to improve.
- What others are reading: Another item I like from blogs I read - quickly see what is getting traffic right now! Unfortunately, since I moved my blog, my historical click data didn’t come with so this won’t reflect all time most read for now and will take a little time to be all that interesting.
- Delicious cloud: I really liked this. As a fan of tag drafting, I wanted to bring back a cloud to my site of everything I’m tagging in delicious. You can of course just subscribe to my tags in delicious if you really want to read what I read, but hopefully this is another way to share what I’ve found most interesting on the web.
- Share and Enjoy: I’ve added buttons at the end of every post to share via digg, reddit, delicious, stumbleupon, technorati and Facebook - as well as an option to just email it to others. As a fan of word of mouth, I wanted to make it easy to share.
Finally, a shout out for all the help on this to Heidi. I met Heidi through a friend in Facebook that I follow (thanks to you too Connie). Heidi did all the heavy lifting behind the scenes to move to a new host as well as re-design and migrate content. If you’re looking for similar help, I’d certainly endorse! (hey, that’s Word of Mouth!)
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