22nd February 2008

Join me at SAP in Palo Alto for a talk on Social Media and Influencers

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I’m spending the day with SAP on the 26th.  One of cool things they do are the SAP Salon events which are open to the public talks.  I have the pleasure of presenting next week…get the details and register here:

Here’s an abstract of the session:

Social Media and Online Communities: If you could only leverage what your customers know.

We’ve been inundated with a wave of new buzz words…Web 2.0, Social Media, Communities, Social Productivity, Influencers, Marketing 2.0…This session will provide a business explanation of what Social Media is, why it matters to a business and most importantly how to operationalize it in a global business environment. We’ll explore a strategy development model for engaging with Social Media and a framework for establishing a long term approach to ROI. And finally, we’ll look at the Microsoft MVP program as a best practice and framework for tapping into the influencer/enthusiast population to drive word of mouth, brand affinity, product quality and online success.

Hope to see you!


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This entry was posted on Friday, February 22nd, 2008 at 8:05 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On February 27th, 2008, Daniel said:

    I’m sorry I won’t be there!

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