18th March 2007

MVP Summit Opening video…

posted in Influencers, MVP, Microsoft |

For those that asked…here you go…

MVP Summit 2007 Opening

Popularity: 15% [?]

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 18th, 2007 at 3:17 pm and is filed under Influencers, MVP, Microsoft. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 13 responses to “MVP Summit Opening video…”

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  1. 1 On March 18th, 2007, Kathy Jacobs said:

    What a great way to share the excitement of the Summit. I could actually see the pictures this time…. During the opening there was too much else to look at!

  2. 2 On March 18th, 2007, Gary Tsang said:

    Thanks! now if we can get a downloadable copy that’ll be great!

  3. 3 On March 18th, 2007, Anando said:

    I had no idea that you were blogging here ! Great job and thanks for such an amazing summit ! Wish I could get hold of you and have a chat with you…alas…you were too busy !

  4. 4 On March 18th, 2007, ??????'s Blog : 2007 MVP Global Summit said:

    […] 2007?3?12???15???????MSMVP??????MS????????? 2007 MVP Global Summit ??????????? Summit ??????????????????????????????????????????????????…http://soapbox.msn.com/video.aspx?vid=201479d6-e4c7-4d91-8f76-f0d7f8859a9e&wa=wsignin1.0http://communitygrouptherapy.com/2007/03/18/mvp-summit-opening-video/ ?? 2007?3?19? 10:51 ??? cham-reo ?? : MSMVP […]

  5. 5 On March 19th, 2007, Glyn Simpson said:


    corporate firewalls don’t like giving me access to soapbox.msn.com - must be some sort of idea to stop us doing more interesting things whilst at work.

    Thanks for posting. will have to check it out later at home.

  6. 6 On March 19th, 2007, Louis Davidson said:

    From a person who was there for the Summit but was in his hotel room under the weather that day, definitely thanks!

  7. 7 On March 19th, 2007, Dave said:

    Very nice.

    Can you share how this was created?

  8. 8 On March 19th, 2007, Sean said:

    at a practical level, the how was: I approved a PO for 3rd party company to make it :)
    I might be able to get more info than that if you want.

  9. 9 On March 19th, 2007, Dave said:

    That’s enough.

    I was kind of hoping that it was part of free download from MS .

  10. 10 On March 19th, 2007, Dave said:

    I thought I ended with a . This is a test to see if my memory is bad or if the is deleted .

  11. 11 On March 19th, 2007, Dave said:

    Just to make the last comment more meaningful. I added a vbg inside less than and greater than symbols. But it was eaten up by the comment process.

    Sorry about the clutter (not so big grin).

  12. 12 On March 19th, 2007, Sean ODriscoll said:

    :) Check the MVP member site soon…we will make it available for download there.

  13. 13 On March 20th, 2007, Brian Desmond said:

    Probably was done in Cinema 4D or possibly After Effects or some other similiar package… making a Rubik’s cube like that is actually very difficult to do because of the sheer number of permutations you need to track if you consider the possible position of every single face.

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