17th February 2007

Why the switch off Live Spaces…


I launched this blog on Feb. 9th. 2007 on Live spaces (http://communitygrouptherapy.spaces.live.com/).  As part of my initial post, I said I was starting with live spaces, but that if I found limitations I was unhappy with I would be switching (despite my place of employment:)).  So, here we are, about 1 week later and I’ve abondoned spaces for wordpress. 

I promised that if I switched I would talk about why the change, so here goes.  First let me say that some of the limitations of spaces likely have solutions, but they weren’t readily discoverable.  Furthermore, I felt that if I was going to change, I should change as soon as possible to minimize the impact on anyone trying to follow this blog.

Now, I will say on my way out from spaces that spaces is actually very good…in fact outstanding…and I now have something to compare to.  For the millions of users who want a very easy to use, low to no tech skills required blogging tool that enables you to have an attractive blog up in 30 minutes or less - live spaces ROCKS!  All that ease of use, does cost you some customization capabilities and I found the reporting functions pretty limiting.  For example, the reporting doesn’t provide for a count of rss feed subscribers - which would seem a fairly basic item.  I didn’t like the ads on my blog either.  I realize I could get rid of that (I think) with a premium subscription, but some uncertainty in that combined with other items did stop me from going further on that.

So, there you have it.  I could have tried harder I think to make spaces work for me, but I chose not to.  I’m quite happy with word press for my needs, but to be clear, if you are a novice computer user, I’m not sure I’d recommend it or most of the other blog tools I thinly surveyed.  So, mom, if you are reading this and want to start a blog - use spaces! 


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This entry was posted on Saturday, February 17th, 2007 at 5:37 pm and is filed under General Community Discussion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 3 responses to “Why the switch off Live Spaces…”

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  1. 1 On February 18th, 2007, abhishek kant said:

    hi sean

    it is great to see you blog! i really think this is great way of participating in the community and sets a precedent..

    i agree with Live spaces limitations and would think that it is better if you want to share rich media more on ur blog e.g. photos, video.

    one of the great features of wordpress is the trackback support :)
    happy blogging..


  2. 2 On February 18th, 2007, Sean ODriscoll said:

    It does offer some good things, but it all seems made even better by live writer…I started playing with it today and thus far I think it is very good. I’ll blog on it soon.

    here’s a link: http://ideas.live.com/programpage.aspx?versionId=4372c8c2-b76f-4d44-aea1-9835b61d8dc1


  3. 3 On April 21st, 2007, Microsoft Live Spaces updated... « Community Group Therapy said:

    […] 21st, 2007 Well, since I abandoned MS live spaces quickly after launching this blog there first, I thought I owed a little plug to some enhancements […]

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