An Online Community Apology…JetBlue
I don’t know if anyone who reads my blog was directly effected by the events at Jetblue, but I think it’s interesting and commendable to see them reaching out personally (and via community - or else I wouldn’t blog about it) to apologize and re-position with a personal face on what is a business and customer service dissaster. At their site you can read their new customer bill of rights (not ground breaking in terms of a reaction) and more importantly see the YouTube apology from their Founder and CEO.
What I like about the video is that it feels personal, humble and not overly scripted/polished - which to me is what makes it pretty effective. Unlike corporate apology letters that never sound quite right. Take for example the recent hoax in Boston and follow up apology letter from Turner Broadcasting. Now, who is to say which company and executive is truly more sincere…but which one do you believe is more sincere based not of the issue, but their respective responses?
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