21st February 2007

An Online Community Apology…JetBlue


I don’t know if anyone who reads my blog was directly effected by the events at Jetblue, but I think it’s interesting and commendable to see them reaching out personally (and via community - or else I wouldn’t blog about it) to apologize and re-position with a personal face on what is a business and customer service dissaster.  At their site you can read their new customer bill of rights (not ground breaking in terms of a reaction) and more importantly see the YouTube apology from their Founder and CEO.

What I like about the video is that it feels personal, humble and not overly scripted/polished - which to me is what makes it pretty effective.  Unlike corporate apology letters that never sound quite right.  Take for example the recent hoax in Boston and follow up apology letter from Turner Broadcasting.  Now, who is to say which company and executive is truly more sincere…but which one do you believe is more sincere based not of the issue, but their respective responses?

Digg it if you like it!


Popularity: 17% [?]

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 21st, 2007 at 3:58 pm and is filed under Business Strategy, General Community Discussion, Influencers, Social Media, Voice of Customer, Word of Mouth, web 2.0. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “An Online Community Apology…JetBlue”

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  1. 1 On February 22nd, 2007, Tina Erwee said:

    OK, so I was not affected. I still liked the apology :p.

    Apologies are important. An apology only really feels sincere if it has the following characteristics - and this counts for our personal lives as well:

    1) It has to be personal - “I” and “We” messages
    2) It doesn’t contain a single “But” - any reservations added to an apology nullifies it!
    3) there is some plan about how to prevent the situation from repeating


  2. 2 On February 24th, 2007, Tara Hunt said:

    I must say that I was super touched to just get the email from JetBlue…although I’m not surprised. Their commitment comes through in everything they do. From the time I book my ticket to the time I get off of the plane, feeling like I was treated like a human being, refreshed and happy to have traveled with them, JetBlue puts the same effort into everyday.

    That, to me, is the most important. Apologies are great, but how they treat everyone everyday is the big deal. :)

  3. 3 On February 28th, 2007, Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Responding to Bad Press using Video, and Video Brand Hijacking said:

    […] really should be elevated, he’s provided some coverage of Jet Blue’s execs humble and sincere video apologies and customer bill of […]

  4. 4 On June 30th, 2008, When Not to Say Sorry : Social Media Mafia said:

    […] Jet Blue incident is frequently lauded as an effective way for a corporation to personally reach out and deal with the public during a […]

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