Gen Y, Social Media and the workforce of the future…
In Corporate Transparency I blogged about how Gen Y will change the workplace and how the defacto web 2.0 workstyle of this emerging demographic will change the workforce.
In Exploring Communities and Corporate HR I discussed the disconnect between traditional, largely internally focused, HR processes for talent management and organizational design and the emerging workforce that is anything by hierarchical by design.
Today, in the Seattle Times, I came across the following article: Generation Y plays games on the job. It makes for an interesting followup to these earlier posts, describing how a number of companies are using new media by design:
- Cold Stone Creamery using game simulators to deliver in-store training for new hires.
- Nike’s "Sports Knowledge Underground" interactive program for teaching basic sales skills and product information - with a version coming for delivery on PDAs, IPods, and cellphones.
- Cisco’s use of gaming to enhance math skills to support their networking business objectives
- E&Y using video blogging to provide an "intern’s eye view" to perspective recruits
All of these examples really just focused on what I would call employee acquisition and readiness, but good evidence of the trend to come.
Seen any other good examples worth sharing?
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