30th September 2007

Some thoughts on "5 P’s" of Social Media…

I’ve been doing a number of presentations as of late on social media and I thought I’d share a slide I’ve been using that I call the "5 P’s of Social Media."  I figured posting here might be a good place to get some feedback to make this even better.

The marketers out there will remember the 4 P’s of marketing popularized by E. Jerome McCarthy:  Product, Pricing, Promotion and Placement.

In the 2001 book High Intensity Marketing by Idris Mootee, the author proposed a new set of 4 P’s for the Internet age: Personalization, Participation, Peer-to-Peer, and Predictive Modeling.  Overall, I like this model and had never seen it before doing some research in prep for writing this blog post (I’ll have to get the book).  While social media has matured a great deal in the 6 years since this book came out, I think the model applies very well.

What I was looking for was a prescriptive and informative model for describing the various forms of social media as well as the underlying components required for describing a social media strategy.  Here’s what I came up with:


note:  It’s a build slide that starts with People and builds clockwise.

In fairness, it probably needs to be 6 P’s by adding "Purpose" - but for me, purpose is the overall talking point for the slide, therefore, you don’t see it here.  And 6 P’s? - Getting carried away!! :)

Here’s a short summary of definitions (though this is made more real by using examples that are relevant to the audience).

  • People:  The talkers, authors, contributors - empowerment of the individual.
  • Places:  All the diverse venues the conversations can take place in.
  • Process:  What collaboration (and moderation) you enable, how you entitle contributor types and how you integrate with existing systems.
  • Platform:  Where and how you tie together the places, processes, people (identity/privacy) and privileges.
  • Patterns:  Presenting, tracking, filtering, measuring, monitoring and decision support.

That’s it…let me know what you think, what I missed and what examples you might use.



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This entry was posted on Sunday, September 30th, 2007 at 2:17 pm and is filed under General Community Discussion, Social Media, Word of Mouth, online communities, web 2.0. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “Some thoughts on "5 P’s" of Social Media…”

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  1. 1 On September 30th, 2007, Phil Barrett said:

    Great graphic and thanks for the insight. How are you suggesting people incorporate the Social Media Ps into marketing plans with real strategies and tactics?

  2. 2 On September 30th, 2007, Sean ODriscoll said:

    You’ll have to come see the whole talk :) Short of that, I have a case study presentation this is from that builds out from converging trends around WOM, Social Media and Influencer theory. I’ll post that full ppt sometime soon.

    I think I’d go back to an earlier post on business transformation (https://communitygrouptherapy.com/2007/07/01/your-community-strategy-checkin-the-box-or-business-transformation/) as a starting point and then determine what the business metrics for the individual firm/org are. Effective strategies and tactics I think will always address all 5 Ps.

    I’ll be giving some version of this talk at http://serviceinnovation.org/membersummit07/index.php and http://www.womma.org/summit3/.


  3. 3 On October 5th, 2007, Jimmy Carson said:

    I like your Social Media talk, it would be great if you can share more here. Regarding Idris Mootee;s new 4Ps, it is quite popular among the consultants world, he talks a lot of about thta in his blog www.mootee.typepad.com.

    Can you talk more on the Platform ? Many thanks.


  4. 4 On October 10th, 2007, Sean ODriscoll said:

    thanks for the comment Jimmy…I will get back to your question about platform and thanks for the pointer to mootee…following now. As a quick reference on the platform have a read of this earlier post: https://communitygrouptherapy.com/2007/07/25/whats-the-most-important-web-20-feature-to-implement-next/


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