Interesting interview in CNET with Larry Rosen: "Net Gen comes of age"
In an earlier post on Corporate Transparency, I talked about 3 drivers of the push for transparency. The first I highlighted was "Gen Y" (there is debate about the naming…but generally it is those born from 1981-1999). In a later post I talked about Gen Y, Social Media and the workforce of the future and how this generation’s work style will alter the face of the workforce as evidenced by a number of reported examples. At one point, I questioned whether I, at 37 and part of Gen X, was more rapidly becoming a dinosaur than those that proceeded me and that the burden is really on me as a leader to understand and embrace this emerging work style rather than hopelessly try to "covert" it to "old school."
One of my readers forwarded to me an interview in cnet with Cal State psychology professor Larry Rosen called: Net Generation comes of age. I thought it a very worthwhile and supporting bit of evidence of some of the same points regarding this emerging generation entering the workforce. I’ll let you read the interview for Larry’s insights, but I particularly appreciated his input to these questions:
Will they (net gen) take those experiences to the "real world" and use them?
Baby boomers seem to have problems managing the Net generation, but they were in fact the ones who brought them up. How does that connect?
How do you keep the Net generation youngsters in a company?
Are companies aware of the needs of the Net generation?
How can employers benefit from different generations?
Larry is working on a book called "Me, MySpace and I" - I look forward to reading it.
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