ok, I’m hardly the first to comment on this. While I really like what FB has done, I don’t like that nothing inside FB is discoverable without having a account and logging in. One of the issues that most troubles me is the proliferation of speciality groups with tons of people joining and then nothing happening in them. Here’s what I see (and have done personally)…
1) Person creates well intentioned group with a good topic.
2) (oops several other semi-related groups already exist).
3) Person posts to their groups Wall and starts a few questions with a discussion board.
4) People join the group and early arrivals say something on the wall or in the discussion board.
5) Nothing.
6) I now belong to a bunch of groups where very little is going on. hmmm.
What do you think? Have you seen the same thing? Am I just in the wrong groups!! I feel like this is tightly related to the walled garden issue and community landscape that is continuing to fracture and specialize without really addressing the core issues of discoverability and usability for the masses.
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